What Canine DNA Profiling Offers for Your Kennel

What Canine DNA Profiling Offers for Your Kennel

Wisdom Breeder is excited to offer DNA profiling as a single service or as a bundle with all new MyDogDNA™ and Optimal Selection™ Canine kits starting in June 2024! Learn what canine DNA profiling is...
Canine Parentage Testing Explained

Canine Parentage Testing Explained

Parentage testing is a highly accurate method of using DNA profiles to verify or exclude parent-offspring relationships. Wisdom Breeder is excited to offer canine parentage testing as a free service for all MyDogDNA™ and Optimal...
Dobermann DCM testing

Dobermann DCM testing

  Following a ground-breaking scientific publication, Wisdom Panel is proud to announce the inclusion of Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) testing in Optimal SelectionTM Canine and MyDogDNA® DNA tests when screening Dobermann Pinschers. As part of a...
Dermatomyositis (DMS) variant testing is now included in select dog DNA tests

Dermatomyositis (DMS) variant testing is now included in select dog DNA tests

Our goal at Wisdom Panel is to leverage DNA to help pets live long and healthy lives. One of the ways we achieve that is by providing breeders with genetic insights they can use to...
Test for Lafora Disease with select Wisdom Panel products

Test for Lafora Disease with select Wisdom Panel products

Pet parents and breeders have long wished for an easy way to test for Lafora Disease. Unfortunately, the disease is widely recognised as one of the most technically challenging canine DNA tests to perform. That’s...
Chondrodystrophy and Intervertebral Disc Disease in dogs

Chondrodystrophy and Intervertebral Disc Disease in dogs

At Wisdom Panel, we work continuously to advance our products so we can provide pet parents and breeders with the most comprehensive DNA insights. As part of that effort, we’re thrilled to announce the inclusion...
Shared data means a healthier future for dogs and cats

Shared data means a healthier future for dogs and cats

One of the things that excites us at Wisdom Panel—in addition to delivering actionable insights to individual pet parents—is the potential for genetic research to fuel scientific breakthroughs that improve the lives of pets everywhere....
Digging deep into the genetic health of dogs

Digging deep into the genetic health of dogs

There are a lot of benefits to Wisdom Panel™ having the world’s largest breed reference database. One of them is the unmatched ability our team of researchers has to dig into data and uncover new...
Understanding genetic diversity (and why it matters)

Understanding genetic diversity (and why it matters)

If you’ve spent any time reading up on DNA testing or researching dog breeding, you’ve probably come across the terms “genetic diversity” and “coefficient of inbreeding (COI).” But you may not know what they mean...
MyDogDNA logo

The all-in-one test for breeders

As any conscientious dog breeder will attest, an intimate understanding of a breeding dog’s qualities and faults-- and how a potential sire or dam of a litter can best contribute to the improvement of a...