Wisdom Panel™ Essential - Pet Owner Kit
The most popular dog DNA kit including full breed analysis, traits, and key health insights, created by world-leading veterinarians with over 20+ years of genetic research.
Wisdom Panel has a database of of 365+ breeds, types, and variants, which in combination with our pioneering breed detection system allows us to identify your dog’s full breed mix, leaving no ambiguity and helping you provide a better training program, understand behaviour, and create an effective daily and long-term care and wellness plan for your dog. Know what medications and procedures are safe for your canine companion by screening for 25+ medical complications including drug sensitivities like MDR1. Additionally, understand what makes your pup so unique with 50+ trait tests revealing the factors behind hair length, ideal weight, muzzle shape, and more.
Quick and Easy: Swab, send, and smile. Just swab your pup's cheek, send your kit to our lab with the provided pre-paid shipping and you'll get results in 3-4 weeks. You’ll be emailed an official ancestry report revealing your dog’s unique genetic background.
- Test for 365+ Breeds to understand your dog's full breed breakdown
- Screen for 30 Medical Complications tests - important info before your pup takes medication or undergoes a medical procedure (e.g. spay/neuter)
- Family Tree and Relatives- trace back to your dog's great-grandparents and find their relatives within our database of 4.5 million pets. 99.9% of dogs tested with Wisdom Panel find a relative!
- 50+ Trait tests on Coat & Eye Colour, Ideal Weight Range, and more
- Results in 3-4 weeks